Sunday, July 4

Butterflies Are Back

Yesterday, the butterfly bushes were doing a great business feeding a variety of flying critters. I saw this sulphur butterfly flitting about....not as quickly as they usually are AND not as skittish.

I noticed that it seemed to have some other color pattern on the top side, so I waited with the camera and just started continuous shooting until I managed to get one with it's wings open.

Not the greatest focus, but enough to see the dark edges. I went to the butterfly and moths of North America to try and find out the name of it. The closest I could find was Mead's Sulphur - BUT, according to their site, these butterflies are found in the Rocky Mountain areas! I reported it thru the site and the AL coordinator wrote me back and said it's a Sleepy Orange (abaeis nicippe). I noticed they didn't have a photo with the wings open! Nor did they have a sighting for Mobile county.... now, they do.

Also saw this small, dark colored butterfly, which I think is a Horace's Duskywing.