Yesterday morning, the sky was pepto pink at dawn. Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.... Well, it was cloudy, windy and cold all day. It was very cold at agility practice last night. The weather man was predicting snow beginning after midnight - although it does snow in Mobile, it's only about every 10 years or so and it's been 14 years - so we were due.
This morning, I had to go for some doctor's test EARLY, naturally it was only rainy and cold but they were still saying it would snow later, so the schools were out and it made the traffic quite light. I was their only patient...seems everyone else I got top priority and was in and out in less than an hour - Yea!
On the way home, I decided to stop at the store and get a few things. When I went in the store, it was still raining. When I came out it was sleeting and when I turned onto my road, there were snowflakes mixed in. I ran in the house, dumped the groceries and grabbed my camera - gotta keep your priorities straight!
I went out the back and tried to get the dogs to go out from under the porch roof... only Magic would venture out and he wasn't sure about that white looking stuff landing on his nose and back.
Since it had rained a lot last night, the yard was like wading in a creek, but I got on my rubber shoes and ventured out. The cherry tree's blooms looked cold...
The dogs that came out with me were all doing a 3 legged hop.
Guy says "Brrrrrrrrrr".....
Looking at the back of the house..
The far back of the yard... the snow was only beginning to stick to drier areas.
Out front looking northward..
Towards the neighbor's yard... (We were doing some agility courses yesterday in the front)
My side yard....
The garden "snow" globe...
Then the sun peeked out and "poof", the snow on the ground was gone. There are still a few flakes around now. Tonight it will freeze and we'll have crunchy grass and slick roads. Naturally, I'm going to an agility seminar semi-outside.... excuse me, I've got to go find my long underwear!
Sunrise through the pink grass
2 days ago
Y'all got way more than us, I'm jealous!! Lulu was a little scared of the sleet, so I figured snow would be way too much, lol.
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