Friday, July 1

Life's A Beach In Mississippi

I went with Darlene to take the foster kitties back to the Gulfport Humane Society so they could get neutered, microchipped and off to their new home. Yea!

I told her I wanted to come back along Hwy 90 to Ocean Springs so I could get beach we did.

Yeah, I know this isn't a beach photo, but there's a business selling pots and they had this cool giraffe, an elephant and a giant chicken there. Last time we went, Darlene wanted that chicken and I wanted this giraffe. Not that we'd ever get them, mind you, I just could imagine the commotion that would happen when my dogs got a load of this giant giraffe in my backyard! LOL!

Meanwhile, down at the beach in Gulfport, they were busy getting set up for the fireworks display for the Fourth of July. This one one of the many areas where you can rent an umbrella and jet skis .... it was practically deserted on this Friday, but I'll bet the weekend will be a lot busier.

There were a few folks about and some families with kids, but by in large, the Mississippi beaches are largely unknown to the rest of the world.

The water doesn't have crashing waves and undertow like other places and the water is fairly shallow out a ways. Makes it great for families with small kids.

These folks are quite a way out and they also anchor the jet skis out as the water is shallow. The beach has lots of "turn ins" and parking areas, so it's easy to find yourself a nice quiet area if you like, or go to one of the rental areas with restrooms and concessions.

Nothing more relaxing than sitting under a canopy, listening to the gentle waves and the wind in the sea oats.

This is the pre-Katrina marina where the President casino use to be. Now, it's just a fisherman's retreat, a place to park your RV or just enjoy looking at the water and sea birds.

It was hot though... even this blue heron was panting..

The view east towards the Beau Rivage and Biloxi.

Only a couple of pelicans and gulls were out, most birds were just chilling on pilings.

Lots of trees died after Katrina, but instead of removing them, artists carved critters out of them. Some artists were better than others...this one didn't have a lot of detail, but we enjoyed them.
A flock of herons carved into this tree at one of the beach parking areas.

As well as this stoic looking pelican.

Bottle nosed dolphin, more commonly called porpoise around here.

This artist was more inventive with a school of porpoise swimming where branches use to be.

Another view...

One of the lovely old homes on the beach front that managed to escape Katrina's wrath.

A couple of sailboats were out. Notice the sand fence post in the foreground, they are slowly but surely gathering sand for dunes again.

Loved this one! Three eagles, two flying, one perched and a whale diving.

The perched eagle.

These heron had more detail carved... I like the formation they make.

Quail and ducks?

The Biloxi lighthouse..made of cast iron and traditionally kept by female lighthouse keepers.

Saw this hole in the heavens when we were going!

Next time, I'm going to get some photos around Ocean Springs and Gautier, MS.


eileeninmd said...

The beach looks like a great place for the holiday. Love the sculptures, very cool looking. Lovely series of photos.

Carol said...

Fantastic beach shots and I love love all of those carvings. I just may have to make a Mississippi Beach a designated vacation spot !

Jidhu Jose said...

nice shots

LivingSoAbundantly said...

FUN! The creatures were beautifully captured--real and carved! The beach is sooooo relaxing! =D

Living So Abundantly: New meme this coming Thursday, July 7, 2011, Give Back Thursday--come join the fun!