Sunday, November 28


I was sitting at the kitchen table and I thought I heard a Pileated Woodpecker. I grabbed the camera and went to the window. TWO of them in the old snag out back!

I knew if I tried going out the door, the dogs would all jump up and make a commotion, so I went over to the door and eased up the blind. Before I could shoot, one took off, but this one stayed.

They are big woodpeckers, about the size of a crow.

Handsome red top knot and white on the face and cheeks.

Wish I could have gotten closer, but they are easily scared off... so I had to settle for these shots. At least I know there are two about... maybe there'll be babies in the spring!

I went out later to walk and there was a Red-Bellied Woodpecker up the same tree.

These woodpeckers aren't nearly as flighty as the Pileated and this one let me get quite close for a photo.