Thursday, August 26


It's been too hot to even go out and try for photos this past couple of weeks. Today, was a bit less humid, though still hot, and I felt like taking pictures - anything! Surely, there was something around the yard that was interesting.....and there was.

An ordinary mushroom surrounded by dark leaves and twigs...interesting textures and light.

Then, I passed by this tree and saw the "gator eye"..... looks like it's saying " I got my eye on you!"

The butterfly bush is always a good place to find something and, sure enough, along came this female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail... looks like she had a tangle with something as her right wing is damaged at the bottom.

There were some large bees around.... one seemed to be chasing this one... a bumblebee, looks like...

Then when I was looking at them in the photo editor, I saw one was not a bee at all....
A "bee moth"...they look so similar at a glance... the head, antennae and the "together" body show the difference. The bee moth did not light on the flowers as the real bee did, rather it hovered like a hummingbird. This is the Snowberry Clearwing or Bumblebee Moth.


Janet said...

Great pix! Love that gator eye! Sure looks like one, especially if you've watched "Swamp People" lately.