Imagine my surprise to find out that my blog didn't exist one morning. Imagine what I thought when I found out that Blogger had "locked" it, labeled it as a link spam blog - whatever that is! :-(
Now imagine what you are faced with finding out how to unlock it by using "Google Help" - an oxymoron if there ever was one. >:-/
I tried using the "dashboard" link entitled "Tell me more". Send them a request to unlock. Okay, did that. Got a message back on the "dashboard" saying they'd send me an email telling me what to do. Great. But wait..... that email they are going to send it to isn't mine. #*!*#
Back to "Google Help".... it's a wonder I'm not an alcoholic by now.... You almost need to fortify yourself with a pitcher of margaritas before tackling that maze of pleading questions by posters and the short, curt, mostly useless "answers" by "levelers". Did not find anything useful.
After a couple of days, there was another message on the dashboard, send them my URL and they'd have a look. So, did that. Days pass. A week passes, another week passes. No more messages.
Finally, got brave again and tried Google Help again. Became alarmed when I found post after post of people asking how to get unlocked - they'd been locked out since October! Egads! Found a link to a blog that specialized in Blogger problems. That figures - I'll bet there is a fortune to be made out there by folks who have unraveled Google Speak and turned it into language that non-geeks can understand.
On that blog, I found another link to request Blogger unlock after you've gone through the dashboard links. Now, just HOW are you to know this last step if Blogger doesn't bother to tell you?? Anyway, THAT finally did it and My Camera's Eye was unlocked.
I sincerely hope this never happens again - to me or to you.
So, enough ranting. I did take some photos, mostly dog stuff which I posted on my other blogs, but did get this yard scene with some fall color.
A beautiful day at the beach?
1 day ago
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