Wednesday, June 2

Oily Isle?

Darlene and I rode down to Dauphin Isle this morning. With a scene like this, you'd think it was an ordinary day at the beach, but yesterday, the news reported oil blobs coming ashore in this area.

The parking area was full of local news vans and a CNN truck.....they had to be there for other than the possible oil blobs.

The local bird life was going about their usual business.... the pelicans were flying...

The shorebirds were darting into the water and on the sand...

A blue heron went sailing by on its way to a better fishing spot..

Other sea birds were swooping and diving for fish....

Pelicans were cruisin'...

....and then came the BP army of workers, complete with their own port-o-pottie, came marching on to the beach....

.....trooped down to where a couple of guys with a truck were located.

.....all to show the news folks they were ready to clean up the beach. Turns out all that was down there was a few quarter sized blobs mixed in some beach debris, in an area about 3 ft long.
Yes, I'm sure that was to impress the press. Meanwhile the local Channel 10 news snagged Darlene, who gave them an earful.....

And... CNN was interviewing a comely Coast Guard person.....and blocking pier access.

We finally got by and went down to the east end of the island, by Ft Gaines and walked down to the shore through the bird sanctuary. There were bales of hay stacked all along the beach up at the high tide mark.

At Cedar Point, we stopped to take a photo of the only booms in the water that we could see. Guess this was to protect this bit of marsh.

We noticed this enterprising heron, who had found the perfect fishing perch on the boom. Happy fishing, little guy !