Thursday, June 3

Cruising the Causeway

Kat Walkoviak is visiting Orange Beach and we had planned on doing lunch some time or the other. This morning it was raining here when she called and said "How about lunch today?". So we decided to meet at Ed's on the Causeway. The Causeway is Mobile-speak for the area where the Mobile Delta meets the northern tip of the bay. It's loaded with great seafood joints!

Even though it was cloudy and rainy in spots, I took my camera..... just in case. I decided to go through Pritchard and across the Cochran Bridge on to the old Causeway.

Without looking to see what I got, I shot this out the window as I went across the high rise bridge. Came out better than I thought! Looking south down the Mobile River.

After we ate, it stopped raining and we went out on the deck to see what we could see and chat a bit. Here's a view looking west towards Mobile.

Looking to the east, over the marsh, towards Spanish Fort in Baldwin county.

Below the deck was a jungle of marsh plants, including these purple blooming ones.

Mostly grackles and one red winged blackbird were about, but this blue heron came cruising by us.

This sign was on the deck.... lots of folks stopped and asked us if we'd seen the alligator. Guess they don't know this whole area is packed with them!

There were two little gators just below the deck at the water's edge. Can you find Waldo in this photo??

This one was out of the water more... looked like it had enjoyed a couple of good meals as it's tummy looked mighty rounded. Both were only about 2 feet in length from stem to stern.

What would a trip across the causeway without a view of the USS Alabama??