Saturday, October 2

Fall Is In The Air

Today, Lisa and I drove over to Pascagoula, MS for the Zonta (don't ask me where they came up with the name) arts and crafts festival. There were the usual and the unusual items, the festival food, music and the crowds that a beautiful day brings out. Yeah, we found some neat stuff to buy for stocking stuffers for Christmas, of course.

We stopped by the old train station turned Arts Museum and checked it out.
Then we ate lunch and came home.

You can tell it's fall with all the wildflowers in the verge of the road. Mostly yellows right now - black-eyed Susans and goldenrod just beginning to show.

Fields of cotton ready to be picked.

The black-eyed Susans will soon be joined by purple flowers of all sorts and pitcher plants in the boggy areas.