Monday, May 17

Down Mississippi Roads

My neighbor, Mildred, and I took a short ride over to Wade, MS into the Pascagoula Wildlife area. Along the way, we spotted some very interesting things and critters.

Like these Longhorn Cattle. Get a load of those things...and this is a cow.

Across the road in another pasture was an even more impressive head set. See, even that cattle egret is amazed.

From the Escatawpa bridge, a photo down stream to the canoe rental place.

Passing through Hurley, we saw these adorable mini-donkeys and a regular sized one with them.

From tiny to really big.... This Clydesdale horse stands out from his friends.

A swamp flower near the boat launch in the wildlife area.

Looking north under the bridge. The water is cream and coffee colored from the rain we had the other day.

A cypress tree and stump near the bank.

A view from the top of the bridge...

...and another. Fish were jumping and splashing about.... We wished we'd had a pole to try our hand at catching a few.