Monday, April 5

Around The Yard

It's officially spring - the birds are nesting, the flowers are blooming, the pollen is flying, people are sneezing, sniffling and coughing... ah, yes, springtime in Mobile.

Like most of the population, I try not to stay outside too much as I'm prone to allergies, especially to oak, pine and pecan tree pollens. But, you can't just stay in.... it's too nice and pretty outside!

Took a walk around the back with the dogs and noticed a few things: like this on a pine tree.... What is it? Some kind of bug trails??

Let me know if you know...

My azaleas are really to pop, they've got tons of buds.... found this pink one opened up around the bottom of a bush.

My tiny RedBud tree.... actually it wasn't tiny at all, but got knocked down by Hurricane Ivan. I cut off the tree to the stump and this has grown back.

A close up of it's lovely flowers.... soon to be replaced by green, heart shaped leaves.